My best concert ever: One Direction in Chile

I went to see One Direction! This was in 2014, and it was the best concert I’ve been! Such an amazing experience. It was in the great Estadio Nacional and I really enjoyed the performance because the members of the group sang too well and they are so beautiful in person, even more than in pictures!

I sang too much and that made that my throat hurted the next day of the concert, but it was worth it. I went with my mom and even though she didn’t know much about the boys, she enjoyed the concert. 

The acoustic of the stadium was so cool, despite that there were many people singing too loud, we were able to listen to everything: the voices, the music and, of course: we could see the boys dancing and enjoying with the chilean public.

It melted my heart, and I remember that day until today, I was a child but I remember everything until now.

The only bad thing is after that, One Direction disbanded.


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