Changes to my study programme

 I really like what I'm studying, I think it's a good combination between music and science.

Would you change things about the curriculum? Yes, I think that I would change some things. Sometimes, they give more emphasis to scientific subjects than to others and I feel that all subjects are important.

I would like to have more hours of piano class, learning to play a difficult instrument requires a lot of time and dedication, but as we have so many subjects that time is too short to focus on just one.

The use of technology in this career is essential because a lot of work is done with it. There are some technological devices at the university, but it would be good to invest in more up-to-date devices.

Well, the academic load is a lot, but I think that having a study group is fundamental to help us in our work. It doesn't bother me because I chose the career and I also chose the university, which is known for having a very heavy academic load.

And now I would like to talk about a very well known topic in the Faculty... the infrastructure and it's facilities are very precarious, besides the minimum that a faculty should have, I would like us to have study rooms and rest rooms.

I hope someday the Faculty will fix the infrastructure problems so that we can all have a good time at our University.


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